The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Penn State, and specifically the College of Education, had profound impact on my life. First, I enrolled in a Master of Education degree program in the summer of 1960. The following year I completed many courses in the College of Education at Temple University that were accepted and met a student teacher from PSU in Abington, PA. I completed courses at PSU and completed the MEd in the summer of 1961, and after graduation, Mary and I were married in the Chapel at PSU. During the mid-1980s, I was president of the Alumni Society of the College of Education. I am on the board of the PSU Alumni Chapter, Wisconsin. I am active in Elmbrook Schools where four grandsons are enrolled. I continue to chair dissertation committees and have a newsletter that can be accessed at Odd-numbered issues focus on education and even-numbered issues are on business, economic, and government development.